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Biosphere 2 Podcast

Aug 28, 2020

In this episode we are joined by Katie Morgan and Dr. Diane Thompson. Katie Morgan is the Manager of Marine Systems and Education Initiatives at Biosphere 2. She oversees the operations of the Biosphere 2 Ocean, assists in developing the vision and project plan for the coral reef research initiative, and keeps the new...

Aug 15, 2020

In this episode, we are joined by Biomedical Animator Drew Berry. Drew creates beautiful, accurate visualizations of the dramatic cellular and molecular action that is going on inside our bodies. Beginning his career as a cell biologist, Drew's raw materials are technical reports, research data and models...

Aug 7, 2020

In this episode we are joined by former Biospherians turned Space Industry Entrepreneurs Jane Poynter and Taber MacCallum. Jane and Taber are the Founders and co-CEO's of Space Perspective, a company developing balloon powered human-spaceflight to the Earths stratosphere. Jane & Taber were both members of the Biosphere...